Iordan Ganev


I am a mathematician, machine learning researcher, and educator. This site contains pages about my math publications and writings, my work in machine learning, and a few quant finance projects.

For information about my tutoring services, visit Gradient Ascent Tutoring.

A copy of my CV is available upon request by email. You can also find me on GitHub.


Make the obvious replacements: first-name dot last-name at gmail dot com

Academic History

My recent academic research has focused on equivariant neural networks, model compression, parameter space symmetries, and gradient flow dynamics. Previously, I did research geometric representation theory, quantum groups, and related areas in theoretical mathematics.

I completed a PhD in mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin under the guidance of David Ben-Zvi. My dissertation focused on topics at the intersection of representation theory, algebraic geometry, and quantum algebra. Subsequently, I worked at IST Austria, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Radboud University.

(Somewhat) Recent Teaching

Fall 2022: Deep Learning.

Winter 2020-2021: Algebraic Groups.